Episode 88- Halloween Tales

Tonight Leslie and J take turns telling Halloween tales of witches, pirates, secret societies and werewolves.

So grab that cup of coffee, ignore the trick or treaters and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Legendary Listener shout out goes to Gabriel and Friend of the Podcast Andrew. Thank you for being there since the beginning and thanks for being new!!

Episode 87- Grave Secrets and Unsolved Mysteries

Last week, Listeners heard our throwback episode featuring the Black Hope Horror. Tonight Jay and Leslie revisit the Newport Texas neighborhood in reviewing the made for tv movie Grave Secrets:  The Legacy of Hilltop Dr and the Unsolved Mysteries Segment, Black Hope Curse to discuss more of the haunting.

Just in time for Halloween join Leslie and Jay as they creep each other out with favorite moments, and share some personal stories.

So grab some coffee, check out your backyard, and Listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Legendary Listener shout out this week goes to Berlin!! Thank you for listening. And to Topsail North Carolina, thank you for the hospitality.

Throwback Episode 16- Lost Colony of Roanoke and Black Hope Horror

Tonight’s throwback episode begins with J talking about the Lost Colony of Roanoke and theories of what happened. Then Leslie tells the story of a Texas family’s haunted home, which sounds like something from a Hollywood Blockbuster.

Be prepared for next week’s episode as J and Leslie revisit the Black Hope Horror in a special episode.

So grab that coffee, ignore the footsteps and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Shout out to friend of the podcast Andrew– I promise new material next week!!


Throwback Episode 22—Centralia and the University of Notre Dame Ghosts

Tonight’s throwback episode begins with J telling about the abandoned town of Centralia and the influence the town still has today. Meanwhile Leslie talks about the ghosts that haunt a university, including a famous football player.

So grab some coffee, don’t play with fire, and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Episode 86- Haunted Objects

Tonight J and Leslie cover haunted objects, ranging from the famous Robert the Doll, to a haunted bunk bed, with a little more in between.

So grab that coffee, make sure that mug isn’t haunted, and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Legendary Listener shout out this week goes to Colorado Springs, Colorado! Thank you for listening!!

Episode 85- Portals

Tonight J and Leslie are back to share multiple stories about portals, gateways, and green fog. Everything from Leslie’s Philadelphia Experiment and an urban legend that began in the 1500s to J telling about China’s Floating City in the Clouds  and a Badlands story.

So grab that cup of coffee, be careful of the green fog and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Shout out to Cheshire West and Chester UK. Thank you for listening!!!

Throwback Episode: Episode 26: The Nuckalavee and the Ghostbuster Ruling

Tonight we have another great throwback episode. Tonight J tells of the creepy Scottish legend of the Nuckalavee. Meanwhile Leslie tells the story about a house in the U.S. that is legally a haunted house, and the experiences that made it so.


So grab a drink, court is in session and listen to these Legends in the Dark

Episode 84- Titanic Tales

Tonight, Leslie and J try their new format as they greet each other, in person, to share their favorite stories about the Titanic. For the first time in over a year, each shares stories from ghost lights, and spirits to military secrets and premonitions.

So grab some coffee, tell Jack to hang on, and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Legendary Listener shout out this week goes to: Cleveland Ohio!!! Thank you for listening.

Throwback Episode 3: Russian Sleep Experiment and Ghost Cop

It’s another oldie but goodie from the archives!

Tonight J talks about the Russian Sleep Experiment, an urban legend that may have no fact, but is still creepy all the same. Then we travel to San Francisco as Leslie tells about the urban legend of the Golden Gate Park Ghost Cop.

If you have an urban legend from your hometown, your country or just a favorite one to share, send it to us at podcastlegends@gmail.com.

We promise, J and I will read them in the dark!

Episode 83- Barn Theater Ghost Hunt

Tonight Leslie tells J about her recent ghost hunt at Porterville’s Barn Theater. She shares her personal experiences, and evidence captured that night.

So grab some coffee, break a leg, and listen to these Legends in the Dark

Legendary Listener shout out this week goes to How’s it Haunting. This podcast shares not only a love for the paranormal but even our city!   Chris and Lena, thank you for listening!!