Monthly Archives: April 2022

Episode 94-Review of Ghost Theory YouTube Channel

Tonight Leslie and J head across the pond to watch 3 videos from Ghost Theory. A YouTube channel featuring two paranormal investigators in the U.K. The videos are short, but they are creepy and enjoyable.

So grab a cup of coffee, stop watching those cat videos and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Link below if you want to check them out yourself.

Our Legendary Listener shout out this week goes out to Barnsley U.K. Thank you for listening!!

Episode 93- Review Paranormal Emergency

Tonight Jay and Leslie share a listener’s story and their own about being visited by loved ones. Then they review two episodes of the show Paranormal Emergency. A show where first responders tell their paranormal stories from being on the job.

So grab some coffee, ignore the voices in the attic and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Legendary Listener shout out this week goes to Baton Rouge Louisiana!! Thank you for listening!!