Monthly Archives: January 2021

Episode 73- The Disappearance of Fredrick Valentich and the Lizard Man

Tonight Leslie heads to Australia to talk about the strange disappearance of a pilot near the Australian mainland.   Meanwhile, J heads to South Carolina to talk about Lee County legend of the creature from their swamps known as the Lizard Man.

So grab that coffee, look to the skies, and Listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Legendary Listener shout out this week goes to: East Riding of Yorkshire!! Thank you for listening.

Episode 72- Haunted Paintings and Old man with an Axe

Tonight J talks about haunted paintings, The Anguish Man and The Hands Resist Him, and the strange occurrences that surround both paintings. Meanwhile, Leslie talks about a modern urban legend about the picture of a man with an axe. Who the photographer claims to not have seen at the time.  Is it a ghost, a person, or a hoax?

So grab some coffee, finish that painting, and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Legendary Listener shout out to Burlington Vermont! Thank you for listening!!

Also shout out to Nuke Top 5—we absolutely cannot stop talking about your channel!!