Monthly Archives: August 2020

Episode 62- Bodie CA Curse and Springheeled Jack

Tonight Leslie tells the story about a California ghost town that provides curses to the visitors if they decide to take a piece home. Meanwhile, J travels to Victorian England to talk about the phantom that stalked the London streets in a popular urban legend.

Leave the rock, take the coffee,  and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Legendary Listener shout out goes to Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York, PA!!! Thank you for listening!!!

Episode 61- The Hatman and the Alice Killings Urban Legend

Tonight J tells the story about shadow people, including the creepy Hatman. Meanwhile, Leslie begins with a Japanese Urban Legend, of an unsolved mystery, that actually has some truth behind it.

So grab some coffee, check your pocket watch and listen to these Legends in the Dark.

Legendary Listener shout out this week goes to Trinidad and Tobago. Thank you for listening!!!